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Dibleys Lucky Dip 2009
Название: Каталог "Dibley's Lucky Dip 2009" (Каталог стрептокарпусов и других геснериевых за 2009 год от Dibley)
Номер (месяц)/год издания: 2009###
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 2
Размер: 1,7 МБ
Файл с сайта-источника: http://www.dibleys.com/
Welcome to Dibley’s 2009 Lucky Dip
As an excellent customer of ours we are very pleased to give you this wonderful opportunity
to select your very own collection of favourite houseplant varieties at special prices.
Firstly,choose the size of collection you would like (5,10 or 15),then select your first choice
of varieties and second choice of varieties by writing the variety number shown on the
photographs onto the appropriate boxes on the order form.
We will then aim to send you your own favourite varieties in a special low price collection.
If we cannot match all your first choice, we will include varieties from your second choice
for a lovely display of colour and form to meet your own preference.
Please take advantage of the envelope enclosed and this offer is open until the end of
October 2009.
Lucky Dipping!
Kind regards
Rex Dibley
1-2 Cultivars of Achimenes
2 Sundries
Очень красочный каталог, насыщен обилием ярких фотографий сортов стрептокарпусов и фиалок (есть одна смитианта) на английском языке.
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