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Dibleys Achimenes Catalogue 2009
Название: Каталог "Dibley's Achimenes Catalogue" (Каталог Ахименесов Dibley)
Номер (месяц)/год издания: осень, 2009###
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 2
Размер: 1,4 МБ
Файл с сайта-источника: http://www.dibleys.com/
Welcome to Dibleys’ First Achimenes Catalogue
This is the first colour catalogue of Achimenes to have been produced in the UK. In the wild Achimenes are mainly distributed in Mexico with some species native to Central and South America and the West Indies. The name Achimenes was first recorded in 1756 by Patrick Brown in his History of Jamaica.These plants were very popular in the nineteenth century when many new hybrids were introduced, their popularity picked up again in the 1940’s but had declined again by the end of the twentieth century.We have managed to collect many varieties over the last few years and hope that yet again they can become the justly popular houseplants that they once were.
Unfortunately over the years the names of many cultivars have been mixed up and a form of Chinese whispers is played with exact spellings of the varieties e.g. 'Wetterlow's Triumph’ which has in the past been erroneously called ‘Wetterflow’s Triumph’, ‘Wetterlous Triumph’ and ‘Westerlous Triumph’.
Using old Achimenes catalogues and The Gesneriad Register 2008, Achimenes, we have hopefully corrected some errors in names and given you a reasonably accurate list of cultivars, some which date back to the 1850’s.
1-2 Cultivars of Achimenes
2 Sundries
Очень красочный каталог, насыщен обилием ярких фотографий сортов ахименесов с описанием на английском языке.
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